Here’s an emphatic endorsement of this book from the blog Opera Warhorses, by its creator William: << Surfing the net the other day I stumbled on a bundle of pure anecdote heaven, the memoirs of Mr. Richard Temple Savage, the bass clarinet of London's Covent Garden Opera back in the 30s-40s-50s. This charming book, titled A Voice from the Pit and originally published in 1988 -- some of it was serialized in Opera Magazine -- doesn't stint on backstage, upstage and down-in-the-pit "stories," but it's also immensely valuable for Savage's deft observations on the styles of numerous conductors -- Covent Garden, you may remember, saw the likes of Erich Kleiber, Clemens Krauss, Rudolf Kempe and other podium giants in those `great old days." >>